Product DNA
Swipe, select and customize.
Barista quality performance with easy to use touch screen display with pre-programmed coffee menu and automatic milk texturing. All within a compact footprint. An integrated grinder delivers the right amount of ground coffee on demand. With ThermoJet heating system, 3 second heat up time you go from bean to cup faster than ever before.
Experience third wave specialty coffee at home, made possible by the 4 keys formula
Our espresso machines are designed to use the right dose of freshly ground beans, ensure precise temperature control, optimal water pressure and create true microfoam milk essential for latte art. You’re only a touch away from getting the 4 keys formula used by professional cafe machines.

Easy to use touchscreen
ThermoJet® heating system

Baratza European Precision Burrs with 30 grind settings
Auto MilQ hands-free microfoam